Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Finally, Football!

Ok, lots has happened since I last posted. Lots on the family side (son and daughter-in-law got married 8 years and 2 kids later, princess turned a year old, RA is finally managed, yes!!!), lots on the work side (won $5 million in contracts, yes!!!) and, finally, FOOTBALL!!!

It's been a long, dry six months but so much has happened so fast. Since I last posted (I know it's been a month and a half, trust me) Michael Vick was reinstated and got picked up by the Eagles (imagine that locker room drama!), Plaxico is going to jail for being stupid and, wait for it, BRETT FAVRE CAME OUT OF RETIREMENT!!! I know!!! Who in the heck could have predicted such a thing???? And signed with the Vikes!!! I can just hear the Cheeseheads bleeding internally behind this one.

I mean, c'mon Brett. Yeah, you felt screwed over by the Green Bay front office. You weren't getting paid to mentor Aaron Rodgers. You didn't want to give up the glory yet. We get that. So you hold a press conference and have every football fan sobbing along with you.

But you have "more to give to the game". So you go to the Jets while stepping all over your legacy in the process because you exhibited NO class. And suck. BAD. And retire yet again (not so many tears this time, though). And then spend the entire spring, OTA's and early camp in the "will he won't he" mode. Playing with the emotions of the die hards who aren't thoroughly disgusted (yet) with your behavior.

But the VIKES?? Dude, that doesn't stick it to the front office, that cuts the hearts out of the FANS. The people who paid a lot of hard earned money to sit in the Frozen Tundra of Lambeau, cheering you on. Believing in you. Mourning your father and praying for you and your family. Cheering you on during the Monday Night game immediately following his funeral (and not just the Packers fans, Brett. ALL of us) and crying right along with you. THESE are the people that you've taken a giant dump on by signing with a hated division rival.

Yeah yeah yeah. They offered x and you promised y. It's just business. We get it. But I don't think YOU get it. In the span of 3 years you've gone from revered football god to a total a-hole out for the bucks. Our bucks.

And, here's the bottom line, Brett. You aren't (a) as good and (b) as marketable as you were even last season. So enjoy your season, or as much of it as you can manage to play. Instead of Brett Favre, Football Legend, you are now 'that a-hole, has-been Favre'. Don't underestimate the ire of the fans, dude.

Wow, this post turned into a rant, huh? I guess that's why I have this blog!!! Check back and see what I rant about next time. And I promise it won't be six weeks!


  1. Rant on Granny! I feel the same way. I'd respect Brett so much more if he would man up and admit this is all about getting back at the Pack. He has now managed to disrupt another NFL team's year and locker room. Everything he managed to accomplish in his career is now going to eclipsed by his failure to know when to say when and to be the "adult" in what was a difficult situation in trying to return to the Pack. Minnesota has never been one of my favorite teams...there have been to bone-headed decisions at critical times. This is another one. Just like the "stupidity" that showed itself earlier this year here in Colorado with Cutler and McDaniels...don't even get me started on that!

  2. Thanks for the comment! Glad you enjoyed the post. I feel the same way about Denver. What are they thinking? Assuming conscious thought, of course! Being a Niners fan, I never do assume that management is conscious...

    I have the ESPN Bottom Line as a crawl on my computer screen at work. Saw that the folks in Denver were actually asking the fans NOT to burn their Cutler jerseys when he came back to town. RIGHT! McDaniels had better pull a good season out of his rear end or the fans are gonna burn the jerseys with him in them!!!
