It was a thing of beauty to see Drew Brees lead the Saints to such a decisive victory over the hated (yes, hated) Patriots! The perfect passer rating was just icing on the cake. I enjoyed that game more than any game I've seen lately ('cause we don't get the Niner games here, and they lose when I watch anyway, so...).
And what's up with Brady sitting out the last 5 minutes? Takin his ball and goin' home? Looked like a temper tantrum move to me...quitter...
Sports reporters tend to make me a little nuts in post game press conferences. The stupidest questions, over and over...let me do that job, I'll get it right! I'll ask the questions everyone wants to ask but doesn't have the hoo-hoo's to do it! Like, "hey Coach Bellicek, do you have a pulse?" or "so, Coach Singletary, have you actually killed and eaten any of your players this year?"
I do have to give Brady kudos for hanging in the pocket as long as he does. A year of rehab on a new knee can't be pleasant, and probably involved a lot of pain...
And hats off to the baby 3rd stringer for the Steelers! He did a heck of a job. Too bad about that pick in OT but still, he ran on the Ravens defense. Good for him!
I've Moved...
6 years ago