Monday, September 3, 2012

And Away We Go!

Ok, the 2012 season starts Wedneday, so make sure you have your lineups in order.  The FA and waiver pool are kind thin in both of the leagues I am playing in so it looks like I might get stuck with my drafts.

One of my teams (Granny's Exiles in Survivor Redemption) was autodrafted and looks ok.  The other (Granny's Grinders in NFL Nations) is all my fault!  It will be interesting to see how the teams perform over the course of the season.  It'll also be cool to track what my teams look like at the end of the season as opposed to now (I've already dropped/picked up players).

So good luck with your teams (unless you're against me!) and let's have a fun season! 

Thanks again to Sue, my thoughts and prayers are with you my friend.  And thanks to those of you stepping up to help.  It is appreciated.

Gridiron Granny

Friday, July 6, 2012

So Jonesing for Football!

Hey guys!  It's almost football season!  Yes, I know it's technically not almost football season, but it's closer than it was this time last week...

Thanks to Sue for giving us a place to get together and play Fantasy.  I am glad to be on ESPN for this season, the interface is good.  My only complaint is the logo function, I have never been able to get my own logo up!  But that is so not important.

What is important is the draft.  So I went through and ranked the players for my draft, even did the autodraft rules (this is a very cool new feature with ESPN).  Spent a fair amount of time looking at players, byes, my preferences, etc.  I got this thing NAILED!  Then I started cruising around the league tabs and looked at the keeper page.  Um, I shoulda looked at that first.  Cuz now I have to re-rank my players.  Unless you guys want to trade your keepers to me. 

No big deal, really (she tells herself, shaking her head).  I usually go throught the draft list at least three times before "the day".  What do you do to prepare for the draft?