Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week 3 Rants

Hi kids!  Granny has had a tough couple of weeks but I'm baaack!  So lets get started, shall we?


Now that I've got that off my chest (no I didn't, I still feel sick to my stomach!) was the Niners-Vikes game just about the worst-officiated game ever?  There were stupid bs flags on both sides.  Really interrupted the flow of the game.  I mean, these are grown men and I am sure that Shaun Hill won't break in half if someone accidently touches his helmet.  And if the momentum of a play carries a back into Brett and he gets knocked down (yes, I know he's old and can break easy!) is it a penalty or the laws of physics?  I'm just sayin'...

I think Joe Flacco is just awesome.  Just a kid but so talented!  I'm putting him on my scout list for next year for sure!

Did Al seem a little fussy with Chris on Sunday night?  Or was it just me? 

It seems to be the season of the stud Tight Ends.  Clark, Davis, Witten, Miller, Gates and on and on.  I know these guys are big backs with hands who can run, but it seems that they are making more big plays so far this season. 

I hope my waivers go through because I tell ya, without some changes on my lineups, I am screwed!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Ok I need some help (lots of help but that's a different story...).  Here's the sitch...

I am taking the exam for my professional registration in 5 weeks.  Need to do lots of studying for a 3 hour exam...never been good at studying

I have 2 business golf events (thankfully with my Women on Course group, but still business) and I SUCK.  Seriously, my swing is the stuff of nightmares.

And, while I get free golf at the country club, I have limited time available to actually take advantage of it!  This afternoon can actually work out to get some practice time on the course.

But this afternoon will also be a perfect time to hit the books hard.  I have to pass this test.  Can't make Principal or VP without it!

But I can't show up for the golf events and make a total ass of myself (ok, that may foregone) so I have to practice.

But...what do I do?

Random thoughts on Week 1

Week 1 is in the books and boy, did I enjoy every minute!  Especially the NINERS WIN!!!!  Now that's how to start a season!  My guys were the ONLY team to beat one of last season's Super Bowl teams!  Uh huh!  (Granny is bouncing around her office doing a dance that would embarass her children!)  Playoffs here we come!!!  YEAH!!! 

Back to the real world...  For all the smack I talked in the fantasy leagues I got creamed.  Seriously.  I won a couple of games but, overall, not so good for me!  I apparently talk more stuff than my guys can produce on the field...

Is Tom Terrific really back?  Or did Buffalo finally tire out?

How cool was it to see Terrell Owens drop passes? 

Thank you San Diego for pulling out that last minute TD.  Won me $50 bucks in the pool at the country club.  And I can't stand the Raiders.  Al Davis is the George Steinbrenner of football.  No, wait.  Jerry Jones is the George Steinbrenner.  So that makes Al Davis, hmmmmm, the DEVIL!!!!

Total bummer about Uhrlacher.  The Bears D without a total meat eater at middle linebacker?  Can't happen!  Singletary looks like he could still break some necks, but he's busy this week...

Jay Cutler just crashed and burned.  I hope he improves, just to shut the Denver fans up.  Not that I blame them, but enough already, huh?

And Brett.  I don't care how well he played (the Vikes fan in the office next to mine does, though!) it's unacceptable to see him in purple.  Really.  My youngest daughter is considering a ceremonial jersey burning (after her new Rodgers jersey is delivered).

Well, gotta hit the waivers and see if I can find real players to replace the duds on some of my teams! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fantasy Drafts

Ok, so I'm going through all of my lineups today in preparation for tomorrow's kick-off to the NFL season (tomorrow! tomorrow! I luv ya, tomorrow!) and I noticed something.  The lineup I picked myself (I actually got to participate in one of the live drafts this year) is probably the best. 

I really enjoyed the live draft, and wish my schedule allowed me to join in on the drafts for my other teams.  It was a lot of fun.  I thought there would be more chatting, but everything moved very quickly, so I didn't have time to check out the smack talking!  Maybe next time, now that I know what the heck I'm doing!!

I was pretty intimidated going into the draft room because I didn't want to come off as a total idiot (at least, not this early in the season).  But no worries, everything was very self explanatory and user friendly (aren't you tired of that phrase?  I am).  The only problem I had was that people continually drafted players I wanted before I could get to them!!! 

What I liked best was the ability to pick the team I wanted.  Conventional wisdom tells us to go for the rock star running backs first, then QB's, wideouts, etc. I did go for a rock star first, but then I went for the Ravens and Steelers defenses early, because I know from painful experience that a defense can make or break your Sunday.  Also a couple of top notch QB's, for the same reason.  I also picked tight ends early.  Of course, I am hurting a bit in the WR position, but I live on the waiver wire anyway, so I'll be ok.

Another great thing was the ability to avoid problem children.  I don't care how talented TO or Chad whatshisface are, I don't need any more drama in my life.  The only diva I have time for is my granddaughter.  The first season of fantasy I played was a nightmare because of the 'antics' of these overpaid egotistical sons-of-(but I digress...)

Something else I was able to do (that I learned from Rusty last year) was to pick players and positions around bye weeks.  'Cause bye weeks can kill you, take my word for it!

All in all the live draft was a pretty positive experience.  Although I do have to admit there is a certain thrill to seeing your team lineup for the first time if it's autopicked (that's where the computer picks the top ranked player available when it's your turn).  That's kinda fun, too, for a minute.  Until I realize I had the stupid computer that apparently drafted from the bottom up!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Let the Games Begin!!!

Ok, quick update.  I am in 5 (yeah, 5!!!) fantasy football leagues.  They're all with the same core of great, fun folks who do a fair amount of smack talking during the season.  It's all in fun, and has already begun!

Mike (Purple Haze) seems to think that this Granny needs Geritol.  I set him straight (was there any doubt I would?).  He's also started in with Cheryl, and Rusty and Susan are shooting barbs back and forth.

That's what makes these fantasy leagues so much fun!  Most of us have played together before and know personalities, etc.  There is some carry over from last season, too.  Rusty beat me out for the championship in one league last year and I am SO gunning for him this year!

Susan, the administrator for all of the leagues, puts in a lot of time and effort to make sure that everyone has a good time.  She's a lot of fun, too!  Quite the rabble rouser!

I'm looking forward to the official start of the season on Thursday because I've been waiting for so long for football, and because the 'games' will begin!!!

Good luck to everyone in their leagues!  Oh, and the Niners are going to make the playoffs this year. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Finally, Football!

Ok, lots has happened since I last posted. Lots on the family side (son and daughter-in-law got married 8 years and 2 kids later, princess turned a year old, RA is finally managed, yes!!!), lots on the work side (won $5 million in contracts, yes!!!) and, finally, FOOTBALL!!!

It's been a long, dry six months but so much has happened so fast. Since I last posted (I know it's been a month and a half, trust me) Michael Vick was reinstated and got picked up by the Eagles (imagine that locker room drama!), Plaxico is going to jail for being stupid and, wait for it, BRETT FAVRE CAME OUT OF RETIREMENT!!! I know!!! Who in the heck could have predicted such a thing???? And signed with the Vikes!!! I can just hear the Cheeseheads bleeding internally behind this one.

I mean, c'mon Brett. Yeah, you felt screwed over by the Green Bay front office. You weren't getting paid to mentor Aaron Rodgers. You didn't want to give up the glory yet. We get that. So you hold a press conference and have every football fan sobbing along with you.

But you have "more to give to the game". So you go to the Jets while stepping all over your legacy in the process because you exhibited NO class. And suck. BAD. And retire yet again (not so many tears this time, though). And then spend the entire spring, OTA's and early camp in the "will he won't he" mode. Playing with the emotions of the die hards who aren't thoroughly disgusted (yet) with your behavior.

But the VIKES?? Dude, that doesn't stick it to the front office, that cuts the hearts out of the FANS. The people who paid a lot of hard earned money to sit in the Frozen Tundra of Lambeau, cheering you on. Believing in you. Mourning your father and praying for you and your family. Cheering you on during the Monday Night game immediately following his funeral (and not just the Packers fans, Brett. ALL of us) and crying right along with you. THESE are the people that you've taken a giant dump on by signing with a hated division rival.

Yeah yeah yeah. They offered x and you promised y. It's just business. We get it. But I don't think YOU get it. In the span of 3 years you've gone from revered football god to a total a-hole out for the bucks. Our bucks.

And, here's the bottom line, Brett. You aren't (a) as good and (b) as marketable as you were even last season. So enjoy your season, or as much of it as you can manage to play. Instead of Brett Favre, Football Legend, you are now 'that a-hole, has-been Favre'. Don't underestimate the ire of the fans, dude.

Wow, this post turned into a rant, huh? I guess that's why I have this blog!!! Check back and see what I rant about next time. And I promise it won't be six weeks!